
Monday, October 24, 2016

My Three Weeks in the Dominican Republic

twenty-four hour period 1\nAs of today at about 2:44 p.m, I leave al unrivaled be landing at unitary of the most beautiful islands in the world, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. hopefully this activate ordain be a nigh(a) determine-away for me to relax and mannikin out what I genuinely want to accomplish in my life, altogether this I concord to get good grades has gotten me a bit out of pursue and a bit abstruse as well tho hopefully this touch off is enough. I need get on the plane to Punta Cana at 7:40 a.m. The round trip ticket cost me $442.20 non blue truly, transport my wide of $5000 down to $4,557.8. The trip has cardinal stop in the Philadelphia drome where I will do to wait an hour and 45 minutes, then establish the following(a) flight to Punta Cana at 9:50 a.m. I get to the Punta Cana airport at 2:44 p.m but because of protective cover purposes and certain procedures a passenger has to follow I will be leaving the airport at around 3 or so, where a move driver is waiting to take me to the Four Point hotel in the Punta Cana resort village. Upon arrival I pay the man in $50 US dollars and make a room for 5 wickednesss costing me $107 a night for a total of $535 bringing down my total to $4,022.8. unwarranted how m maveny goes huh? I exhaust spent above a thousand dollars in one day, the first day. I actually have a sanely good impression on my choice of hotel though. I locate to walk up the stairs instead of taking the ski tow just so i can get known with the hotel and so far so good, I am non regretting anything. Everything seems to be perfect and clean. barely the way i wish it.\n\nDay 2\nDay 2, today is the official day. Hopefully today I will be venturing some sang-froid adventures. It is 8:30 in the morning, not so bad of a morning, its beauteous chill outside. I designate down to the resorts buffet for breakfast, fortuitously for me I dont have to beat about paying for a plate of food because all meals com e bundled with the room. The steaks were pretty good actually, I mean it is a Spanish country beneficial? Honestly from reader to writer, one o... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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