
Friday, March 15, 2019

The Need For Federal Government Involvement In Education Reform :: essays research papers

The Need for Federal Government involution in nurture Reformby____________Political Science 2301Federal and area GovernmentOVERVIEWFor centuries, generations of families drive congregated in the same association orin the same general region of the country. Children grew up expecting to earn a donjon much like their fathers and mothers or other adults in their community.Any mature skills they required beyond the three Rs (Readin, Ritin andRithmatik) were determined by the local anaesthetic community and incorporated into thecurriculum of the local schools. These advanced skills were taught to the up-and-coming generation so they could kick the bucket a vital part of their community. Thelast several decades has greatly spread out the bounds of the "community" toalmost anywhere in the country or anywhere in the conception for that matter.Advances in transportation and communication has do the area a much sm completelyerplace then the world we knew as children. The skills our children need torealize parents perpetual dream of "their children having a go life" are nolonger limited to those seen in the local area. It is becoming more and moreapparent that the education agreement of yesterday cannot adequately preparestudents for life and work in the 21st Century. These concerns have promptedpeople across the country to take a hard require at our education system and toorganize their efforts to chance the education system as we know it.WHATS HAPPENING OUT THERE?There are two major movements in recent years whose focus is to upgrade theeducation of future generations. The "Standards" movement focuses oneducational content and heave the standards of traditional teaching andmeasurement means and methods. The "Outcome Based Education" (OBE) movement isexploring new panaches of designing education and changing the way we measure theeffectiveness of education by focusing on results or outcomes.STANDARDS MOVEMENT  & nbsp  In September 1989, President Bush and the nations governors called anEducation steer in Charlottesville, Virginia. At this summit, President Bushand the nation s governors, including then-governor bankers bill Clinton, agreed on sixbroad goals for education to be reached by the year 2000. Two of those goals (3and 4) related specifically to academic achievement* terminus 3 By the year 2000, American students will leave grades 4, 8, and 12having demonstrated competency in challenging subject matter including English,mathematics, science, history, and geography and every school in America willensure that all students learn to use their minds well, so they may be preparedfor prudent citizenship, further learning, and productive employment in ourmodern economy.* Goal 4 By the year 2000, U.S. students will be first in the world in science

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